With the increasing number of Micronesians migrating to Hawai‘i, it has become evident that these recent immigrants face many challenges after arriving in Hawai‘i, including assimilating to Hawaiian and American culture and accessing available services, without losing their home traditions and values. Sponsored by the Partners in Development Foundation (PIDF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity serving disadvantaged Native Hawaiian communities throughout the State, We Are Oceania (WAO) is a collaborative project aimed at centralizing the support system for all Micronesian communities, families and individuals in Hawaii. The goal is to open a WAO One-Stop-Micronesian Center dedicated to the development, implementation, and management of initiatives aimed at addressing various Micronesian community needs. A core team of Micronesian leaders and stakeholders mentored by the PIDF will lead the WAO project in its planning and implementation phases.
More: www.weareoceania.org